At least, the first one he could go out and play in. (Honestly, it wasn't really the best play snow. It was pretty wet... and there wasn't much, but I'm an eager Mama, so I took Magic Baby out. Plus it's NaBloPoMo, and I had nothing good to post. Yes, I will exploit my children for blog fodder. Does anyone have a problem with that?) He wasn't sure at first. He kept telling me "Cooooold" and he wasn't keen on touching it, but I took lots of pictures anyway, because this is one of those moments you need to document and cherish, dammit.
After awhile, he started to enjoy himself. He even fought me when it was time to come back in, although that's not really surprising since he's going through a stage where he fights me about everything.
We couldn't do the traditional hot cocoa after playing in the snow, because Magic Baby reacts poorly to sugar (as in, he's up all freakin' night, and since that's how we've spent the last few nights anyway, I wasn't taking any chances). So we followed our snow frolic with microwaved canned green beans and string cheese. Mmmmm. Overall, a very nice winter day.